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30 Million Workers Without a Bachelor’s Degree Have Good Jobs Says New Georgetown University 研究

The jobs are shifting from blue collar to skilled-services industries.

Although the decline in the manufacturing economy eliminated many good jobs for high school graduates, new research from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (Georgetown Center) in collaboration with 12bet官方 & Co. finds that there are currently 30 million good jobs in the U.S. 没有学士学位也有薪水的工作.A.). 这些好工作的平均工资为5.5万美元.


没有B的好工作.A. 这表明好工作继续增加, but they are changing from traditional blue-collar industries to skilled-services industries. A gain of 4 million good jobs in skilled-services industries, 例如金融服务和保健服务, 有超过抵消2.制造业失去了800万个好工作.

“如果是商界, policy makers and education and training providers are working towards placing workers in good jobs, 我们首先要知道他们在哪里,昌西·列侬说, 劳动力计划主管, 12bet官方. "We’re excited to partner with the Georgetown Center to explore this research because better data is critical to building a better workforce."

尽管经济已经转变,没有B的工人.A. 仍然占所有工人的64%. 许多人认为,没有B的人才有好工作.A. 在这个新环境中不再存在. “尽管有很大的损失, manufacturing still provides the largest number of good jobs,安东尼P说。. Carnevale, director of the Georgetown Center and lead author of the report.

While the good jobs of the manufacturing era only required a high school diploma or less, new good jobs tend to require at least some postsecondary education and training. The growth of good jobs has been greatest for workers with an Associate’s degree.

Americans with only high school graduates still have the largest share of good jobs (11.600万),但这一比例仍在下降. 受过大学教育的工人有9个.3 million good jobs, those with Associate’s degrees have 7.600万份好工作,而高中辍学生只有1份.700万年.


  • Whites still have the largest share of good jobs, but that share has declined. 拉丁美洲人 have a smaller share, but have seen the most growth. Blacks have the smallest share and have seen only slight growth.
  • 男性主导着没有B的好工作.A., consistently grabbing 70 percent of these well paying jobs.
  • Women have not been able to attain good jobs in any greater numbers, even with the shift in employment toward healthcare and other skilled-services industries.
  • 最大的经济体——加州, 德州, Florida—have the largest number of good jobs for workers without a B.A., while Wyoming, New Jersey, Maryland provide the largest share.

The Georgetown Center and 12bet官方 created this research project to investigate the impact overarching structural economic change has had and is having on workers who do not get a B.A. The centerpiece of the collaboration will include an interactive online database that documents the concentration of these good jobs, 在全国范围内, 在州一级, 按行业及职业划分, 按工资计算. GoodJobsData.org, 秋季发布, will examine other characteristics that show the quality of these good jobs and the demographics of those who hold them.

通过一些有针对性的慈善活动, 12bet官方 is investing over $350 million in data-driven solutions to skills development around the world. Investing in this workforce research initiative is part of the firm’s five-year, $250 million New Skills at Work initiative to help inform and accelerate efforts to address the mismatch between the needs of employers and the skills of job seekers. The firm has also committed $75 million to a separate five-year effort called New Skills for Youth to address the youth unemployment crisis by increasing the number of young people who complete career pathways that begin in high school and end with postsecondary degrees or credentials aligned with good-paying, 高需求的工作.

要查看报告和调查结果的视频,请访问 goodjobsdata.org.


乔治敦大学简介The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce is an independent, nonprofit research and policy institute that studies the link between individual goals, 教育及培训课程, 职业道路. The Georgetown Center is affiliated with the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy. 欲了解更多信息,请访问: 经济网.乔治敦大学.edu. 在Twitter上关注我们 @GeorgetownCEW, on 脸谱网, LinkedIn.

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